Book Recommendation – Coming Home: The Return to True Self by Martia Nelson

I picked up Martia Nelson’s book in 2008 and tagged page after page of it because I really zinged with what she was saying. It was right in line with what I know is correct about ego (what Nelson calls “personality”).

In fact, right around that time, I had an opportunity to co-lead a workshop, and my part of the program was to teach about the role that ego (personality) has in the human journey. I remember loving the synchronicity of finding her book and how it reinforced what I knew I needed to say and do in the workshop.

Coming HomeLately, I’ve been reading the newer edition of Coming Home that was published in 2010 (the first was published in 1993). Nelson includes some additional information and gives an updated perspective on the previous truths she shared. I’m enjoying getting to know her better through this edition because this time she shares a lot more about her personal journey.

Even though I recommend this book, I have to warn you that it’s not a light read. I doubt you’ll zip through the book in a weekend.  I’m not sure Nelson would want you to anyway. She gives you meditations and activities that you can do after each chapter.  Though who knows, maybe you would like to set up a personal retreat over a weekend and work your way through it. I, on the other hand, who love reading about topics like this had to take my time with the book. When I read Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, it was the same thing. I would read a passage, put the book down, think, absorb, be with that opened awareness for a time, and then pick up the book again when I was ready for more. The nice thing about the new edition is that Nelson’s personal story makes it accessible and brings you through the information with more ease than before.

If you really want to get to the bottom of the question, “Who am I really… beyond this flesh and bone body?” then you’ll want to read Coming Home: The Return to True Self.


Angela Loëb helps people rediscover and use their gifts so they bring who they really are to what they do in life.

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