In Your Head And Out Loud, The Words That Shape Your Destiny

Words.  They say that words are the point at which the act of creation begins.  However, they say that it is actually the words first formed in your thoughts that get the creative juices going – that it’s not necessarily the words you speak aloud which starts the creative process.  “As a man thinketh…”

And apparently, it doesn’t take all that long to create from thought words before they’ll travel to lips, tongue and breath to make their audible debut.  It’s supposed to be pretty instantaneous, this creating process.  Even though you might not see the fruits of your thoughts right away, you most assuredly have set something into motion.  My acquaintance, Tom Cassidy, is a scientist, and he likes to use the analogy of the sausage machine to logically explain the effects of thoughts influencing reality.  You put beef into one end of the sausage machine, and you’ll get beef sausage out of the other end.

In the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, we are told that when creating the world and its inhabitants, God said let there be this and let there be that.  God spoke, and so it was.

And so it is with your use of words.  The words you use lead to how your life will take a certain shape.  In his book, Release Your Brilliance, Simon T. Bailey describes it this way, “Your life right now is the sum total of every word you’ve ever spoken – in your head and out loud.”

Destiny How are you using words?  What are you uttering when you refer to your circumstances?  Positive words or negative words?  Pay attention.  What you say aloud is your barometer to measure what’s going on internally.

I come across this all the time.  Recently, after giving a presentation to a group of job seekers, a woman who’d been in the audience approached me to ask a question.  She began with, “My problem is that I…”  After I answered her question, I pointed out to her that she’d used the words “my problem” when talking about her situation.  I suggested she rephrase it to say something more positive like, “My challenge is that I…”  Her eyes opened wide as she told me that she didn’t even realize that she had said “my problem.”  She agreed with my point… Say you have a problem, and, sure enough, you have one.  Say you have a challenge, and it’s more like a puzzle to be solved.  Just a small shift in thinking and projection, but it’s one that could make a huge difference… like a ripple effect.

You know you do it.  We all do it.  Use words unconsciously, that is.  However, once you pay attention to your language and then make the conscious choice to change it, watch what happens.  And I mean internally AND externally.

I believe it was Gandhi who said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

So, have I got you wondering now?  How are your words – in your head and out loud – shaping your destiny?


Angela Loëb helps people rediscover and use their gifts so they can bring who they are to what they do. To learn more, please visit:

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