Inspired by Fall


Fall is a time of transition. The summer months recede along with frequent salads and ice cream, and we stop thinking so much about swimming pools and sunscreen. The trees shed their leaves, the breezes get chilly, and the sun stays with us for shorter visits each day.

Most people think of the Spring as the time of new beginnings, but, for me, Fall signals new beginnings. I realize that it might just be a personal thing for me… after all I was born in December. Talk about a new beginning! Hey, about this time of the year, I would have been snug in my mom’s womb as she would be starting her third trimester. I was probably instinctually getting ready for the big event. Maybe there’s a deep cellular synapse that fires up in me about this time every year for that reason. Maybe my mind and body has some sort of metaphysical memory of the changing season. I don’t know. What I do know is that I love this time of the year better than any other season.

I come from a Christian background. Specifically, I had a loose Catholic upbringing. The upcoming string of holidays has always held special meaning for me – not only on a spiritual level, but also on a kid-anticipating-excitement level. I still get enthused about Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This time of the year means preparing, serving, and consuming comfort food. It means baking casseroles, bread, and yummy treats and making hot soup from scratch. It means sipping hot drinks, wearing soft sweaters, and snuggling with loved ones under blankets. One might say that the sacred feminine side of me – that my Hestia, goddess of hearth and home – becomes more prevalent in the Fall.

The cool air energizes me. I’ve always empathized with the farm horse who kicks and bucks in the pasture out of the pure pleasure she feels being in the cooler weather after a hot summer. It’s just refreshing.

More than anything else, Fall inspires me to be an adventurer. For me, Fall is a time to assess the progress I’ve made, re-strategize where I want to be, and plan new adventures for next year… or at least start anticipating them. It’s time to shed the baggage I’ve gathered throughout the year and move into the next lighter and more hopeful. It’s time to plan. It’s time to dream.

More than anything else, Fall inspires me to be an adventurer.  For me, Fall is a time to assess the progress I’ve made, re-strategize where I want to be and plan new adventures for next year… or at least start anticipating them.  It’s time to shed the baggage I’ve gathered throughout the year and move into the next lighter and more hopeful.  It’s time to plan.  It’s time to dream.


Angela Loeb is into self-development & personal empowerment, being awed by nature (especially while walking in a forest with autumn leaves crunching underfoot), writing, and helping people bring who they really are to what they do in life. More at

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