Intention + Passionate Desire > Fear = Reality

Intention Equation:  Intention becomes reality at the point when our desire is greater than our fear. 

Recently, I had the privilege of meeting author and life coach Sherry Ransom when she gave a terrific presentation about how to turn a job search into a creative journey.  Underlying her comments was a true understanding of the intention equation.  She told us there are actually four steps to manifesting our intentions rather than the three (thought, words & action) that most folks talk about.

Step 1: Wish (thought)
Step 2: Ask (words)
Step 3: Intend to create (action)
Step 4: Have passion

I love that she has added that last part about having passion into the equation.  It's true that when we infuse our desire with passion, the intention truly has a better chance of becoming – some would even say that passion ensures the manifestation of desire.  Nevertheless, passion is the great fear equalizer, don't you think? 

By the way, Sherry also gave a clever definition of fear:
Everything bad

What a great reminder of the abiding truth… that we are in control of our perceptions!

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