Poem: On Market Street

On Market Street

On Market Street
A one-legged man in watch cap and wool coat
jazz guitarPicks a jazz riff on his electric guitar
A funky tune with a whole lotta cool to it

People pass by his borrowed real estate
It’s early on a cool October morning
And he earns a few coins

Street vendors arrange their wares
Hand beaded jewelry and glittery glass baubles
Photos and paintings of city scenes and the Golden Gate for the tourists
Fruits of the autumn harvest – from luscious peppers to lemon grass

It’s all there on the square at Market Street
I sip my coffee with cream
Listening to the cable cars do their
Ricketing, ricketing, ricketing, ricketing
As they slide past the palms lining the railway
And give a backbeat for the funky tune
with a whole lotta cool to it

–Angela Loëb; October 14, 2006

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