Part Two: What’s Holding You Back?

In this four-part series we’re looking at other factors besides fear that cause us to get off track or that pause us in plans to move forward.  In part one of “What’s Holding You Back?” we looked at being convinced you don’t have the right tools, knowledge, ability, etc. to get there.

Now it’s time to look at another factor…
Sometimes our attempts to achieve our desires are thwarted due to the commitments we have to the others in our lives or because of personal and sudden life-changing circumstances.  Though we have a desired timeline to reach our goal, the Universe says, “Hold on a minute.  Here’s something else you have to take care of first… or instead.”

Prime examples of such things include dealing with your own or someone else’s serious illness, the death of a loved one, getting married, bringing a new baby into the world, etc.

My sister wanted to be a psychiatric nurse, but a series of health problems, most notably a neurological disorder that has led to partial paralysis and palsy-like tremors, changed her plans dramatically.  (Yes, the Universe does have a sense of irony, doesn’t it?)  This doesn’t mean she’s given up on her dream to make a difference in helping people to heal emotionally and physically.  It just means she has had to find another way.

Even though she has limited mobility due to her condition, she uses technology such as voice recognition software to write and is working on a series of stories for children with disabilities.  She also calls herself a prayer warrior.  She believes that by using the power of prayer, she can make a difference by praying with you or for you.  She has inspired many people with her ability to push through major setbacks.  For instance, last year a pastor at a local church invited her to come speak to his congregation.  She was amazed at the outpouring of appreciation they gave her afterward.  Of course, she was helping them to heal emotionally.  It just wasn’t in the way she had originally planned.

So, sometimes the Universe changes things on you entirely… sometimes it’s only a temporary shift of attention away from your intended goal.  However, as long as you are in touch with the core of what drives you forward, you’ll understand how to take those sharp turns that come up in your path.  Basically, this means that no matter how your life is looking to you right now, as long as you know how you add value to the world and you are letting that value shine through… and as long as you are bringing yourself to whatever task you have at hand with purpose… you are already achieving what has been intended all along for you to be achieving.

In part three, we’re going to look at a third factor besides fear that can hold you back.  It has to do with your imagination… and, by the way, this one is something that you DO have control over.


Angela Loëb helps people rediscover and use their gifts so they bring who they are to what they do in life.


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