The Law Of Thought Into Manifesting… as a man thinketh…

You are the prophet of your future.  Every word you release into the universe has the creative energy and potential to manifest your future. –Simon T. Bailey

What you utter through your lips starts in your mind as a thought pattern.  Your thought pattern sets into motion that which you will co-create into the world.  The utterance is only the vehicle for the manifesting.  It is already begun when you bring forth the emotion of the thought.  Therefore, if you are in a negative mindset, you literally create a tangibly negative state of being for yourself.  It’s the law of thought into manifesting, and it is irrefutably the way it is. 

Why?  Because you are made in the image of God, and God-thought is what has created you in this now.  You co-create with this power that God has imbued you with, so you must be wary of how you feel and how you think and then how you speak this out into the world.  If you wish to improve your life, think it improving, and it will be so.  If someone asks you, “How are you today?” answer that you are doing great, and you will be doing great.  For you are in the moment of now, and in the moment of now you are doing great because you have empowered the thought of “great” into your being. 

Eckhart Tolle explores the moment of now at length in his book, The Power of Now.  But, put simply… you can’t be where you were, and you can’t be where you might end up going – you must be where you are because it is the one and only reality.  In the moment, you are doing great.  You are always doing great, actually, but the mind plays tricks on us with time.  The mind makes us think that we are wherever we aren’t… such as perceiving we are in the regret not doing great in the past or in the worry of the future, of course. 

The ancients knew of this law of thought into manifesting.  “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” -Proverbs 23:7.  So, this concept that you are the prophet of your future shouldn’t be news to you or anything. 

Just remember that your words are powerful, leading from your thoughts and out into the world to create what will unfold.  Next time someone asks you how you’re doing, don’t say, “I’m okay.”  Instead manifest a great future and say, “I’m great!”    

Penny for your thoughts? 

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