Touched By An Angel

Let me tell you… it’s been a blast writing this article series.  In case you haven’t been following along, what I’m doing is relating the stories and mind-opening discoveries I’ve had since starting my 13×4 System in January.  It’s been an amazing year so far!

In my last installment, Turning On The Current Of Currency, I told you the story of how focusing on Money Flows In Easily led to my making three quarters of last year’s income in less than 4 months. It was a result that came even though one of my money sources was decreasing.

The Power of Story
We all know that telling stories is one of the best ways to teach and entertain.  Past masters of philosophy and spiritual teachings often taught through the method of storytelling.  Many still do today.  And, of course, stories are also highly entertaining.  This explains the incredible success throughout history of plays and books… and, later, of movies and television.  Anthropologists tell us that even before humans invented writing and in cultural situations when people weren’t or aren’t literate, oral storytelling was and is the norm.

Telling stories is also a great way to understand ourselves better.  In the FAST acronym, you’ll notice that the “S” stands for Story.  It’s important that you tell a story which illustrates the power of having this focus in your life when preparing your custom 13×4 Wheel™.  Why?  Because when you tell the story of the focus area, it stands out better in your mind about WHY you’re focusing on it.  Also, if you can prove to yourself that you’ve had success in this area before, you will begin with a positive mental state.  You will be more assured that it can be done.

The story of my eighth focus area is very personal, and I almost hesitated to tell it for that reason.  Yet I know it’s one that millions of people share, and they feel as I do.  I know because I’ve seen many examples and portrayals of this common story throughout history.  And I have friends and family who have also been touched by an angel… or two… or more…

Focus Area #8

F-ocus: Helpers

A-ttitude: What is my approach to this focus area – what do I/we want it to be?

About 10 years ago, I adopted St. Benedict’s personal motto, “Open the ear of my heart.”  I wanted to open and hear guidance from my higher self so I could heal, understand what my mission is in the world and direct the course of my life more efficiently in that direction.  In addition to tapping into that higher-self knowing, I also wanted a clearer channel of communication between the unseen help that I sense is always with us and myself.  I’ve heard and read many stories about people receiving supernatural visitations by angels, saints and enlightened masters.  While I’ve never really sought visitations, I’ve always tried to be open to help from such entities.  This focus also reminds me that there is more beyond this life in a body. 

S-tory: What is a story that illustrates the power of having this focus in my life?

When I was a child I was taught that we have unseen helpers called guardian angels.  And since I was raised in a Christian household, we also learned about the angels referenced throughout the Bible, the most famous ones being Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  As I grew older I observed that many cultures around the world also believe in the existence of unseen assistants and messengers.  The Native Americans call them The Bird People, Hindus have apsaras and devas, Buddhists have dharmapalas, in Judaism they’re called malachim and Muslims believe that everyone has four angels called malaikah (messengers).  Whatever they’re called, they are found in the retelling of human history all through the ages. 

The popularity of television programs featuring angels (both dramas and documentaries) has further proven to me how much we appreciate having or want to have such help in our lives.  Many helpers come not just in the form of angels but also that of saints and masters who once lived human lives, such as Mary, Jesus’ mother, and, of course Jesus himself.

I have always felt as though I have been protected so that I could carry out my purpose in life.  When I was a child, I climbed dozens of tall trees and never once fell.  I went from being a city kid to a country kid between ages 8 and 11 years old and explored the forest almost every day during that period of time.  I saw poisonous snakes but was never touched or threatened by them or any other animals or insects (except harmless ants and mosquitoes!).  Once I asked my mother – when I was a mother myself – how she could bear to let me go off alone like that, and she, of course, said that she had faith I was being protected. 

I also recall several specific instances of spins and accidents, especially during dangerous road conditions, in which it seemed highly unlikely that none of us in the car got hurt or even endured a scratch.  Clearly, I was being protected. 

Then, in 2008, I had a series of encounters with several angels and Mother Mary that shifted my life’s course dramatically. And even though I was a believer, I realized then that I still had some residual skepticism about the existence of unseen helpers.  However, now I’m no longer a believer, but, rather, I’m a knower – and knowers, like me, will understand the power of having this focus in everyday life.

T-ool: What is a tool I/we can use to maintain this focus area?

During that focus week of Helpers, I blocked time on my calendar at the end of every day to relax and consciously subdue my “monkey mind.”  Even if it was for a few minutes, I gave my attention to opening the ear of my heart.  And I asked for help to unhook from whatever negative energies might be weighing me down.


Click HERE for the next article in this series. –>


Angela Loëb helps people rediscover and use their gifts so they bring who they are to what they do in life. 

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