Kate Northrup Shares 5 Money Mindset Tips From Her Book

Watched a great interview (click HERE or watch below) by Kris Carr with Kate Northrup. They discuss Northrup’s experience with getting into and out of more than $20K in debt, and Northrup shares 5 great money mindset tips from her book, Money: A Love Story.

Kate Northrup’s 5 Money Mindset Tips

  1. Gratitude. (Yep – this really works! See the chapter in The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles on this very thing.)
  2. Spend money in alignment with your values. (Beware of when the Script is choosing your purchases rather than the authentic you.)
  3. Start a “money for me” account. (I love this piece of wisdom about making saving money feel as good as spending it.)
  4. Watch your words. (She talks about judgment, but the real gem for me is her suggestion to reframe your words. For example, change “I can’t afford that” to “I choose not to buy that right now and instead put money toward x.”)
  5. Value yourself. (Good one! When I know and show and give my value, then the world shows up for me.)

And I especially like this lovely little gem said by Northrup during the interview… “It turns out that self love is the cure for anything that ails you.”



Angela Loëb helps people bring who they really are to what they do in life. More at http://about.me/angelarloeb

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