Yes, You Are A Creative Person

I was speaking with an accountant about her resume, and a few minutes into the conversation, she declared, “I am not a creative person.”

My first thought was, “Just because you’ve picked a ‘conventional career,’ it doesn’t mean that you’re not a creative person.”

But I realize that a lot of us feel this way. Even though it’s not true.

We Are All Creative

We’re all creative. We can’t help it. The fact is… we’re constantly creating.

For example, if you cook something, you’re engaging in a creative act. You’ve just created a meal for yourself. It’s true that some of us will pour more creative energy into preparing a meal than others. And, maybe you’re not being especially creative when popping a frozen dinner into the microwave! But you are definitely being creative if you’re driven by a passion for flavors or maybe by curiosity when you wonder, “What if I changed this ingredient or that ingredient?”

Several years ago, I decided to challenge myself to raise my awareness around creativity and how it shows up for me. What I started noticing is that I express creativity all the time and in so many ways. Of course, I already knew that I express creativity whenever I’m writing, whether it’s writing a client’s resume or writing something like this. But I also realized that I express creativity when I’m cooking, when I plant a tree or some flowers in my yard, when I rearrange the furniture in a room or choose wall décor for that room, and so on.

You Think, Therefore You Create

So, it turns out that we’re expressing creativity all the time. We are constantly engaged in creative acts. And the number one thing we create is how we live our lives. You think of what you want. You do stuff to get what you want. Voilá, you create what you want into being.

Time and time again throughout history the great masters have pointed out that this is the way it works.

Socrates said, “The mind is everything; what you think you become.”

Plato said, “Ideas are the source of all things.”

Buddha said, “With our thoughts we make the world.”

King Solomon said, “As someone thinks within himself, so he is.”

Jesus said, “It is done unto you as you believe.”

Another thing you think of, and therefore create, is solutions. You use your amazing brain to solve problems. When you’re engaged in solving a problem at home or at work, you’re engaged in a creative act.

So, yes, you are a creative person!

Elizabeth Gilbert pegged it when she said in her book, Big Magic, “If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.”


Angela Loeb is into self-development & personal empowerment, being awed by nature, writing, and helping people bring who they really are to what they do in life. More at

© 2021

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