Everybody Hates Their Job, Right? – Film Recommendation
Check out this trailer (about 2 & a 1/2 mins long) for the film “I’m Fine, Thanks.”
My friend, Myrna, turned me on to this cool little documentary made by some guys who dared to pursue a dream of making a movie about others pursuing dreams.
And I love that the movie doesn’t just focus on the the feel-good, inspirational side of the stories of those who they interviewed. It also addresses the I-must-be-crazy-for-doing-this and I-worry-what-others-think doubting side of what happens when you break out of a life of complacency and conformity.
By the way, the movie only costs $5 to download from their site, and it’s worth it. (And, no, they haven’t paid me to promote this… they have no idea who I am!)
Enjoy the trailer!
Angela Loëb helps people rediscover and use their gifts so they bring who they are to what they do in life. http://about.me/angelarloeb __________________________________________________________