Getting Deep About Thought, Attitude And Creating Reality
Thought is powerful. Some say that thought creates reality. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). If thoughts spring from our attitudes and if we control our attitudes, it stands to reason that we influence, and even direct, the outcomes of our situations and, therefore, our reality.
When we send out the thought of love and if this thought springs from our innermost being, that thought is a prayer. When we project love and thoughts of well-wishing, we are expanding ourselves into the universe. “For what is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ether?” (Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet).
When we send out a thought of bitterness or anger and if this thought springs from our innermost being with all the intensity of feeling behind it, that thought is a curse. When we say, “Damn him!” we really are creating a dynamic of negativity that, if not balanced, will manifest itself into the physical. Clear examples of this occur in our daily life – for example, you’re in a bad mood and things just keep going from wrong to worse. Our destructive thoughts set us up for the cycle of negativity reflecting the thoughts we sent out there to create the bad day in the first place. We like to blame it on Murphy’s Law as though it’s a force outside ourselves wreaking all this havoc. (By the way, I find it highly ironic that we refer to this phenomenon as a law, as in a law of the universe – especially since it is!) But the bottom line is this… we did it and we can undo it!
Our Lifeforce, the substance of what we are, contains both light and shadow. Just as love is the source of creation, unkindness is the source of destruction. It reminds me of something else Kahil Gibran says in The Prophet: “Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.”
So, can we have positive without negative – can we know what love if when we have no basis of comparison? The theory goes like this… All components, whether cast in light or shadow are necessary for the Lifeforce to know itself, compare itself, define itself, and expand itself into the living ether. When we become aware of our acts of selfishness and of the existence of our fears and then make the conscious decision to enact change in our negative thoughts and attitudes, then we can realize the power of love. So, when we decide to transmute the negative energy to positive energy, the Lifeforce will manifest the love gained into reality. In simplest terms, our bad day changes into a good day!
What we think and how we project our attitude is within our power to control. Once we become aware, we can change the energies in and around us. This is how we change our physical and spiritual reality. This is how we truly “create our own reality”.
I am re-reading the Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts and it is quite apropos to this post! If you enjoyed the movie “What the Bleep?” with Marlee Matalin, I highly recommend this book. Caveat: read it in small doses, it can be overwhelming!