Part Two: What’s Holding You Back?
In this four-part series we’re looking at other factors besides fear that cause us to get off track or that pause us in plans to move forward. In part one of “What’s Holding You...
In this four-part series we’re looking at other factors besides fear that cause us to get off track or that pause us in plans to move forward. In part one of “What’s Holding You...
I’ve commented extensively about fear. I’ve examined how it holds us back from going for our dreams… and how it even prevents us from allowing ourselves to have dreams in the first place. When...
You are here at this time to do something only you can do. You are here at this time in this place to carry out a mission – one that you knew about and...
Today I rediscovered a poem I read many years ago. Back then I had no idea who wrote it. But now, with the help of the Internet and, specifically, Wikipedia, I know to attribute...
Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the popular 2006 bestseller Eat, Love, Pray, speaks about the creative process. She reflects on the fear of failure after being successful, saying “Is it rational… is it logical… that anybody...
My 12th focus area was about thinking big, and mostly regarding my career goals. (Read more in The Oak Is No Longer Sleeping In The Acorn… It Is Sprouting Big Time.) This next (and...
When you decide to learn about releasing your judgements of others, the funny thing is that you can’t help but learn about releasing your judgements of yourself as well. And that’s why the last...
We’re in the home stretch with this series. Just a couple more focus areas to go! Last time I talked about the power of taking a breathing break in A Minute Of Breathing A...