Truths – there’s nothing new under the sun

What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
– Ecclesiastes 1:9

The older I get the more I see that the truth is the truth, period.  There’s nothing new under the sun, and you can tap in and get the truth even though you’ve never directly “heard” it before.  Maybe it permeates into the consciousness through other means.  People saying the same thing but in different ways.

During the World Changers program I attended at The Wizard Academy back in 2007, Roy Williams aptly pointed out that our writing style in the moment can be strongly affected by whatever we are reading at that time.

I can relate to that, so when I was writing my job search book, What You Need To Know To Get A Job Now!, I totally avoided the career section in the bookstores for more than two years.  I wanted the voice of the book to be fresh and totally my own.

But that’s about the style of the message.  What about the content of the message?

A friend once told me that he purposely avoided reading any books while developing a career tool he’s invented because he didn’t want to be influenced by anyone else.  He wanted the tool to be as original as possible.  He’s an innovator type of person, so that makes sense.  However, he did have to build on existing models to get where he ended up, so is it really “new”?

In the forest2 Yesterday, I was having lunch with a friend, and I told her about a “new” truth that I’ve discovered through meditation and reflection.  I had decided to call it “The Law of Abundance” and told her that it was simply this:  When we deny our inborn gifts, we deny our birthright of abundance.

She replied, “Oh, yes, I’ve heard that too.  It’s in one of Deepak Chopra’s books.”

Interesting!  I know of Deepak Chopra, but I’ve never actually gotten around to reading any of this work.  So, the truth is the truth, right?  Did I access that through my subconscious mind, having heard it said in some other way so that my mind formulated it the way it did, or did I actually tap into to some Superconciousness or Universal Mind?

There’s nothing new under the sun, and so does it really matter how I got it?  I have it – this truth.  And this truth has rekindled a fire in me – halleluiah!


Angela Loëb helps people rediscover and use their gifts so they can bring who they are to what they do.  To learn more, please visit her website:

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