Walking the Highwire

I know many of us crave work/life balance, but something I’ve learned is that balance is not a place you arrive at one day & say to yourself, “Ta-da! My life is completely balanced at last.” That’s because even when you achieve a state of balance, it won’t last long. Something will come along to take your attention away & imbalance you again.

When we say we want balance, what we really seem to want is a feeling of calm & harmony. We perceive that achieving balance is the antidote to feeling overwhelmed. Instead, since it’s impractical to reach an ongoing state of balance, what we’re doing is adding to the feeling of overwhelm by trying to achieve the unachievable.

Observe nature. When balance is disrupted with a wildfire or a flood, nature can’t help itself. It must try to re-balance.

You can look at it like walking a highwire. The experienced highwire walker expects there to be wind, expects to have to pause and re-balance. What would happen if you accepted that imbalance will happen & then just chose to follow your instinct to re-balance? Perhaps it will make you even more proficient at walking the highwire even when the wind blows.


Angela Loeb is into self-development & personal empowerment, being awed by nature, writing, and being inspired by superhero stories.

© 2021

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