Category: Self Awareness

The Power of Demeanor

We may not be able to control the circumstances that occur in life, but we can definitely control our response to and our attitude about them.  A few years ago, I developed a leadership...

Imagine you are who you want to be

Creative Visualization

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about visualizing what you want in order to manifest it in your life. The concept has been around for ages. I’m fond of referring to Stephen Covey’s book...

Each Chaotic Twist And Turn Is Golden

Anytime you go through something challenging in life – anytime you experience sorrow, tragedy and disappointment – it is an opportunity to raise your consciousness up a notch. You have a choice during these tough times....

How To Get A Calf Into The Barn

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous nineteenth-century poet and essayist, was out one day trying to get a calf into the barn. “But he made the common mistake of thinking only of what he wanted:...