Category: Self Awareness

Can-Do Mindset and the God Vase

What do you do to put yourself in a Can-Do Mindset? Here are some of the things I usually do: Surround myself with positive people. Ignore the news on the television and radio as...

How Losing A Job Can Be A Good Thing

When I was terminated from my job in 1998, I didn’t know then what I know now. For 11 months I’d been trying to “stick it out” even though I’d known this wasn’t the best company for me...

Neuroscience and Negativity

Did you know that it damages you to complain often, as well as listen to constant complaining? And I don’t mean that it will simply make you feel bad to be in such a...

Positivity Ratio

“How much positive emotion do we need to flourish?” is a question posed by Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and author of the book Positivity. She says it can be answered by what she calls the Positivity Ratio.

Having Some Fear Is Healthy

Having some fear is healthy.  Fear plays an important role in our psyche.  Without the fear flight survival response – the instinctual urge to run in the face of danger – our species would...

The Unconscious Language You Use

The main source of your unconscious language – both spoken and unspoken – which I believe holds the key to career success, job search results, happiness in your home life, quality relationships with friends,...

The Keys to Managing Conflict

I used to teach a class on conflict management at the University of Texas at Austin as part of a certification program. In one of the class exercises, everyone would work together in small...