
Go ahead, open that package – you’re waiting inside!

The key to your success, abundance and happiness is connected with your gifts. Maybe you're struggling with how to figure...
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Personal Vision

Meaning Of Life – Les Brown

The Journey of Purpose has put together a fantastic video montage featuring the inspiring words of Les Brown about the...
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Self Awareness

Have Compassion For Yourself

Have compassion for yourself. Don't judge how you have perceived yourself until now, but decide today to embrace yourself as...
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Inspiring People: folks with hearing disabilities have productive jobs

I was goofing off this evening, looking through some You Tube videos, and I stumbled on this one, "Deaf People...
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Personal Vision

Everyone Is Gifted

A wise person once said, "Everyone is gifted, but some people never open their package." Do you know what your...
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To Act On True Callings Requires Courage & Faith In Yourself

I’ve been skimming through a book called Callings: Finding and following an authentic Life by Gregg Levoy. It’s about vocational...
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Do Something Great

Just a little inspiration to remind you that you're here to do something great. :)
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Personal Vision

Backburner Dreams

Do you have a backburner dream? If so, maybe one or all three of these reasons for why we delay...
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Find A Way

Many of the greatest minds who have made great contributions to our society found a way to succeed in spite...
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Caroline Myss On Reinventing Yourself In The “Middle Chapter” Of Your Life

I'm so aligned with Caroline Myss!  In this 10-minute clip, she talks to a radio show caller about choosing a...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Go with the Flow of Your Unfolding Path

"As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it."  --Antoine de Saint ExupéryFor me,...
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Your Reactions Fall Under Your Jurisdiction

Like just about everyone I know, I'm in a period of transition.  It seems the whole planet is too, for that...
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Self Awareness

7 Ways To Move Through Grief: Emotional Support

Article #1 in a series of 7. Loss and grief is an inescapable part of the human experience. Getting Emotional...
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College Graduate Defies The Odds

Recipient of a heart transplant when she was an infant, Lauren Aggen wrote a book called Austin's Gift to thank...
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Intention + Passionate Desire > Fear = Reality

Intention Equation:  Intention becomes reality at the point when our desire is greater than our fear. Recently, I had the privilege...
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Personal Vision

Second Week Of The 13×4 Is Causing Random Urges and Fantasies…

In case you haven’t read my last two articles in this series, let me explain that the 13x4 is a...
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Self Awareness

Taking A State Of Mind Vacation

This past week I took some time off to spend a few days at the beach, and I learned a valuable...
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How does our approach to challenges in our lives impact us and those around us? What happens when we choose...
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Self Awareness

7 Ways To Move Through Grief: Structure

Article #5 in a series of 7. Having routines and structure gives you a base from which to navigate the...
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Self Awareness

Distractions of Grown-up Life

I woke up this morning thinking this thought:  we are so distracted by the pressures to support ourselves (and our...
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How To Bring Who You Really Are To What You Do In Life

While working my book about life purpose, I made some notes – some bits and pieces of ideas – and...
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Networking Advice From Keith Ferrazzi

Sharing some excellent videos by master networker, Keith Ferrazzi, the author of Never Eat Alone.
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Personal Vision

You Don’t Have To Go It Alone

When you're trying to make something big happen in your life, you don't have to go it alone. Find someone...
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Attitude Is Contagious

Okay, you walk into a room where someone is laughing. You can’t help but smile in spite of the fact...
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Working For Something And Meaning It

Some food for thought regarding career and doing work you love.
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The Quest for Life’s Work Affirmations

Want some career inspiration? Use these 12 affirmations from Zen and the Art of Making A Living by Laurence Boldt.
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Choosing Integrity (based on a true story)

Back in the early 1980’s, Susan was in seventh grade and wanted to hang out with the "cool kids". She...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

How A Roofer Made Joy Jump Into My Day

This morning I woke up late... been feeling the dullness and fatigue of fighting with my allergies all week, and...
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Self Awareness

Neuroscience and Negativity

Did you know that it damages you to complain often, as well as listen to constant complaining? And I don't...
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Wisdom On How To Handle What Looks Like Failure

Recently, as I was pondering and writing about choosing easy whenever the path to a goal gets blocked, I found...
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Life’s too short to “die an unlived life”

Watching my kiddo, who’s now 16, often reminds me of how at her age I never thought about life being...
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Personal Vision

Tapping into Abundance with Daily Affirmations

Affirmations work best when following Wallace Wattles' formula of Vision, Purpose, Faith, and Gratitude.
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Personal Vision

Realistic Goals

Some experts advise that to make your goals become reality you should use the SMART system. In fact, my colleague...
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A Little Light on a Dark Day

One of the reasons I do this is because sometimes I need to be reminded about all this stuff myself....
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Truths – there’s nothing new under the sun

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the...
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How To Deal With Job Search Ambiguity

The antidote to dealing with job search ambiguity is to focus on what you can control, and you may be...
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Personal Vision

5 Steps For Picking An Accountability Partner

Getting an accountability partner will help you stay focused and positive about your goals. Here are five steps for picking...
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Personal Vision

Advice For Releasing Your First (nonfiction) Book

Marc Miller is writing a book and asked a bunch of us published authors for some advice.  So, a bunch...
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Personal Vision

Goal Success: Research shows how to reach your goals more effectively

What role do certain emotions play in achieving what we want in life + will telling others our goals hurt...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Turbulent Waters

When you’re in turbulent waters, do you tread or swim?  When your life kicks up a little storm, do you...
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Personal Vision

Follow The Plan

Reflecting on taking efficient action to just follow the plan - that is, of course, if you already have a...
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Personal Vision

My Boomerang Got Bigger

If you’ve been following this article series, you know that I’ve been relating the personal revelations coming from my 13x4...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Hope And Faith In This Generation

Hope and faith are amazing thingsSomething to be cherished and nurturedSomething that will refresh us in return They can be...
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Self Awareness

Not Playing The Zero-Sum Game

Competing for resources with a “you win/I lose” outcome is a familiar human mindset. But in truth, playing the zero-sum...
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Elizabeth Gilbert’s TED Talk On Creativity

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the popular 2006 besteller Eat, Love, Pray, speaks about the creative process.  She reflects on the fear of...
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Self Awareness

Access Your Inner Whispers, Use A Self-Inquiry Process

In the majority of my workshops and one-on-one consulting, I use a self-inquiry, writing process.  There’s something about sitting down...
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Self Awareness

Do you know who you really are?

To bring who you really are to what you do in life, you have to first answer the fundamental question:...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Blown by the eight winds

Recently found a book on my shelf that I’d purchased years ago and had never got around to reading:  Soul...
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Personal Vision

Writing It Down

Naturally, as a writer, I've always truly enjoyed the writing process for the reason of creative expression. But even more...
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Within Me There Lay An Invincible Summer

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."  --Albert Camus Some climb...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Getting Deep About Thought, Attitude And Creating Reality

     Thought is powerful.  Some say that thought creates reality.  “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is...
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Why I Love The Blues

  People ask me to name my favorite music style, and without hesitation I have to say The Blues. I...
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Commit with courage now – don’t wait for a kick in the teeth!

Commitment combined with courage can lead to truly amazing things.  Imagine events in human history happening without this powerful combination.  Huge...
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The Search for Meaning & Purpose: What Else?

There are two versions of “What Else?” to ask and challenge your thinking on career assets, interests, and options.
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Personal Vision

See It Happening

To get unstuck and get what you want in life, you need to fully imagine what things will look like...
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Self Awareness

7 Ways To Move Through Grief: Physical Activity

Article #7 in a series of 7. Studies show that getting your body into motion is an excellent therapeutic way...
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Bliss, gratitude, a cup of mocha latte and another attitude shift

Last Friday morning I arrived cheerfully at a “new” coffee shop... I’d not been to this shop before and had...
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Income versus Paycheck

Discussing career security (or rather the lack of it!) and other lofty goals like taking charge of your future and...
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Another “Act of Kindness” Sighting

My faith in humanity's capacity for compassion and gratitude was reinforced yesterday when I witnessed an act of kindness.  It was a...
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Self Awareness

7 Ways to Move Through Grief: Journaling

Article #3 in a series of 7. If approached with the right mindset, journaling can be a very helpful way...
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Self Awareness

How A Rude Person Did Me A Favor One Spring Morning While I Ate A Pancake

I got annoyed the other day – really annoyed. Suddenly all the centering breathing, all the forgiveness praying and all...
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Job Search: Knowledge But Not The Experience

Advice for what to do when you have the knowledge but not the experience.
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Personal Vision

Let’s Make Goal Setting More Fun

To get what you desire in life, you must do goal setting. Goal setting is just a grown-up way to...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Don’t Take Anything Personally; #2 of The Four Agreements

Don’t Take Anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you.  What others say and do is a projection of...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Always Do Your Best: #4 of The Four Agreements

Always Do Your BestYour best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are...
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Self Awareness

Transitions: Momentarily Standing In The Neutral Zone

It’s so easy to be caught up in the "doing" of a transition that we can forget to pause and...
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Will Smith’s Attitude and Philosophy on Life

Check out this brilliant montage (kudos to the video maker!) showing the insightful philosophy of American celebrity Will Smith.
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Realigning With Your Co-Creating Power

Co-creating only works if you KNOW you are empowered to co-create.  It has nothing to do with worthiness.  It’s your...
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Motivation Inside and Out

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."  --Zig Ziglar...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

How Many More People Do you Get To Bless?

Just a special little message to share today.  On a whim I pulled The Secret off my shelf today and opened...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

You Are In Charge Of Your Attitude

When my kiddo was about 8 years old, she had some typical issues regarding taking responsibility for her attitude. The...
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“Work is Love Made Visible” from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

Today's post is about loving life through your work.  Rather than making any attempts at being eloquent, I want to...
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Self Awareness

7 Ways To Move Through Grief: Gratitude

Article #2 in a series of 7. Practicing gratitude helps you stay in a higher state of mind when you're...
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Personal Vision

Fun Way To Visualize Your Future

Here's an exercise that I used to teach with my former colleague, Jay Markunas in our career change course.  Though...
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Self Awareness

Walking the Highwire

The experienced highwire walker expects there to be wind, expects to have to pause and re-balance. What if we were...
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Self Awareness

7 Ways To Move Through Grief: Future Focus

Article #6 in a series of 7. Even in their darkest times, humans can still make it if they have...
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Plotting a Course Toward Career Promotion

You've probably heard me say this before because it's such an excellent metaphor!  Getting ahead at work requires you to...
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Personal Vision

To Get What You Want, Plan For What You Want

When I was in the middle of my corporate career, I was asked to turn in annual goals every January,...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

See Beauty & Hang On To Your Corner of Freedom

From Wayne Dyer's book, The Power of Intention: I was deeply honored to be on a panel with Viktor Frankl...
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Stand By Me | Playing For Change

Check out this fun video with 16 different artists or groups!
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“Truly, if people could see that there will be light again…”

January is typically the season for most folks to stress about the new year and the status of their career. ...
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Commit with Courage

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation),...
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Personal Vision

Good Friends, Good Times and Better Balance

During the previous week’s focus of Give First, which I described in My Boomerang Got Bigger, I had unknowingly set...
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Career Management Today Means Being CEO Of Your Own Career

Embrace the concept of being in charge of your own career. It means you get to choose your next steps...
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Achieving Work Satisfaction

The other evening I had the privilege of participating in a discussion about why we work.  Reasons we came up...
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Perspective On News Ratings Grabbers: The World Is Better Off Than We Give It Credit For Being

"Yes", I told a friend today when she remarked that the world is better off than we give it credit...
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Your Next Career Adventure: The Ideal Factors Exercise

Before you undertake your next career adventure, it’s wise to spend a little time clearly defining what you want and...
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Ancient Chinese Wisdom…

One of my favorite proverbs is, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a...
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Self Awareness

Kate Northrup Shares 5 Money Mindset Tips From Her Book

Kris Carr chats with Kate Northrup about Northrup's experience of getting into and out of $20+K in debt.
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Dealing With Doubt – Keep Getting Up

Was there ever a time in your life when you let doubt stop you from going for your heart’s desire?...
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Fashion Clothing Company, White House Black Market, Honors Breast Cancer Survivors

In May, my daughter turned 18 and started working for a clothing store called White House Black Market. She was...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Meditation Changed My Numbers

Before I even had my coffee on Sunday, I decided to sit quietly and mediate for a few minutes.  But,...
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It’s What We Notice

A few evenings ago, I had the pleasure of listening to an interview with the venerable author of What Color...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Flying With Wings Of Faith

Today the cliff of limiting beliefs is far below. I am flying with amethyst wings. Faith is surrender, letting go...
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Personal Vision

Let Your RAS Focus On The How

When we change our thoughts, we literally change our brain. And here's how the RAS comes in...
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Self Awareness

7 Ways To Move Through Grief: Distractions

Article #4 in a series of 7 - using healthy distractions as a way to move through grief. Learn what...
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Self Awareness

When Things Fall Apart, Hindsight Helps

Learn a short, powerful awareness exercise that will help you find the the blessing or synchronicity in the setbacks that...
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Part Four: What’s Holding You Back?

It’s time for the fourth and final factor that I wanted to discuss in this four-part series about what holds...
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Get an “end in mind” perspective in order to get what you want

Recently, I have found myself quoting Stephen Covey a lot… “begin with the end in mind.”  This is vital to...
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Self Awareness

Creative Visualization

Imagine you already are who you want to be... I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about visualizing what you want...
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Career: Know “Brand You” And Put Your Future In Your Own Hands

Thinking of setting some career goals?  I've noticed that it's a lot easier to plot a direction and make decisions...
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Self Awareness

Crazy Little Thing Called Stress

If you manage stress effectively, you manage your life effectively. Use Gudjon Bergmann's 5 habits to manage stress.
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Revisiting favorite wisdom from “The Secret”

Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" has been out for awhile now.  She made the film and then followed that up by the...
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Poem: I have a premonition…

I've been reading a great little motivational book - it was a gift from one of the co-authors, Billy Moyer,...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Breaking free from the prisons of perceptions

Musings on ways we might break free of the perceptions we hold.
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Maybe it’s time to throw in the towel and find a JOB

Advice for business owners: If the thought of finding a job doesn't excite you, then maybe what you actually need...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

You are a beautiful, luminous being here to be who you already are…

The SPIRITUAL SELF is the pure non-programmed, non-mediated aspect of self that is positive, pure, open presence, yearning to embody...
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Intend to live your life on purpose

Dr. Wayne Dyer shows me the contrast of the happiness I experienced today vs the half-life I lived when younger...
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Part Three: What’s Holding You Back?

In part two of “What's Holding You Back?” I pointed out that events such as illness, loss and huge changes,...
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Your Thoughts Make You What You Are; Predetermining Your Mind To Success

Your Attitude Is The Key To Your Happiness Just open your eyes – this message is everywhere you look. I...
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Positive Thought + Positive Action = Contentment (and a ripple effect)

"Even the hardest mathematics problems usually have an easy solution; it is just finding the right formula that can be...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

A Few Insights On Crisis

Crisis – it’s an inescapable part of the human experience. Your attitude in crisis is key to your personal growth...
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4 Needs and Career Decisions

Most career dissatisfaction stems from certain needs not being met. Although we have them in varying degrees of urgency, we...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Doing Your Own Thing

Some time ago my friend, Regina, recommended a fabulous book called The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.  No, it’s not...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Practicing Compassion With The Angels

There is a love greater than anything we have ever experienced on earth together, greater than anything we have experienced...
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Filling Your Cup With Joy Because…

Why do you work? And what would you do if you didn't have to work?
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Choose Your Response – Adaptability, Endurance & Learning

Because of my work as a career transition coach/consultant, I'm pretty much steeped my clients' concern over the economy, fear...
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Hyper-identifying With Our Jobs

Work, though essential to life, is not life.  As important as work is to finding our individual meaning, it twists...
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What do you like to leave at the door?

At a seminar I attended the keynote speaker advised us to leave our troubles at the door when we go...
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Bert Jacobs’ Advice: Never Say The Words “Have To” Again

In a recent television interview, Bert Jacobs, co-Founder of Life Is Good, told Colin Pope, editor of the Austin Business...
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Personal Vision

The Power of Small Rewards

Food for Thought: The act of being kind to ourselves with rewards helps us to get what we want.
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Get a Useful “Aha!” Moment – Ask Yourself This Question

The other day, a friend calls me in a crisis about her job search and her career path and her...
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3 Attitudes You’ll Need to Survive the Adventure

There are three attitudes you'll need to survive this adventure called life!
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Creative Courage

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones' courage. --Anaïs NinOne does not discover new lands without consenting to lose...
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Use the Vision Behind your Eyes to See the Blessings in Your “Suffering”

What do you perceive during times of sadness and misfortune? Can you find the blessings in your suffering? The blessings...
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Self Awareness

Are You Getting What You Need?

We're always being driven by 3 basic human needs. Learn what they are and what you can do to make...
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Clarifying Your Gifts

Explore the dreams you had at these 3 stages of your life to find clues and clarify what your gifts...
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Stretch Your Vision

We used to call them “stretch goals” when I worked for a large corporation.  We’d set goals that pushed the envelope...
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Personal Vision

Sometimes Two Heads Are Better Than One

I’m still amazed by how using my intuition to cast my wheel like I explained in Good Friends, Good Times...
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Amazing Artist – A Positive Spin

Tommy Hollenstein had no idea that tragedy would lead to his dream job.
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Definition of Success

People who push their boundaries share this in common: they all have a clear definition for what success personally means...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Reworking the Abundance Blueprint Through Gratitude

In January I met with a dear friend to exchange previously agreed-upon gifts in honor of the holiday season.  I...
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Job Search: 7 Tips for Successful Phone Interviews

If you can't make a good first impression on the phone, your chances of being invited for an in-person interview...
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Peace of Mind

While I was driving around in my car this weekend, this great old song came on the radio. If you...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Getting Deep About Co-Creating Your Destiny

Not that it’s a new concept or anything, but the law of attraction seems to be gaining more widespread notice...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Four Agreements; A Shiny Doorknob

There are times in my life when I want some outside guidance.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not looking for...
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The attitude of fun

Watch what some enterprising engineer types did to show us the power of the attitude of fun.
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“It’s hard to wring my hands when I am busy rolling up my sleeves.”

When I came across this quote by Linda Geraci, it really resonated with me.  Why?  I guess because when I...
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Career Development Is A Life-Long Endeavor

"I’ve developed a new philosophy… I only dread one day at a time." – Charlie Brown When I was a...
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Self Awareness

Each Chaotic Twist And Turn Is Golden

Anytime you go through something challenging in life – anytime you experience sorrow, tragedy and disappointment – it is an opportunity to...
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Jessica’s “Daily Affirmation”

At over 8.7 million views on You Tube (to date), there's a good chance you've seen this video before.  Nevertheless,...
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Self Awareness

Time Is On My Side

Thirty-three years ago I didn't know a fraction of what I know now. What will I come to know in...
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Told ya we should have faith in this generation!

Back in the Fall of 2006 I published a post about hope and faith in this generation.  Wistfully, I wrote, "I...
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Five WIIFM Reasons to Volunteer

Recently, I suggested volunteering while networking, saying that you get out of something what you put into it.  There are...
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Only Worth Ten Points

Tina's Ten Points by Tom Krause She was seventeen years old and always wore a bright smile.  This may not...
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Are you doing the work that was born in you?

No man is born into the world whose work is not born with him. -James Russell Lowell A few months...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Flowers for Isa

Even following your intuition on small things can make a huge difference to somebody's world.
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“Uncertainty breeds creativity and success” – Helen Harkness, Ph.D

Helen Harkness, Ph.D. presented to a group of career development professionals in Austin on October 19. I was among the...
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Personal Vision

A Minute Of Breathing A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Last time, in What Goes Around Comes Around, I talked about thought algorithms.  They are tools that help you stay...
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How do you live your life, and do you know the road you’re on?

This past week my computer went wonky and had to go away for a short journey to get repaired.  I...
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Self Awareness

Can-Do Mindset and the God Vase

What do you do to put yourself in a Can-Do Mindset? Here are some of the things I usually do:...
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Overcoming Career Challenges

3 quick stories examples to inspire you in overcoming challenges to reach career and job search success.
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Self-awareness – asking yourself the tough questions

Webster’s Dictionary defines integrity as "the quality or state of being complete or undivided.”  You cannot get to a state...
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Personal Vision

Raise the standard; rise to the standard

How are you measuring your results?  Is it time to tweak the standard?  Sometimes to achieve your goals, all you...
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Book of Blessings

Every year I exchange a blank journal with one of my closest friends.  Not because we plan to share our mind meanderings...
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Taking Action Is Not Always Easy To Do…

Learning to shift from worry to taking action. And recommending an excellent interview with Mel Robbins, author of The 5-Second...
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Embrace Chaos and Work With It

"You can’t hold a man down without staying down with him." --Booker T. Washington In sixth grade, I learned about Booker...
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10 Traits of Excellent Leaders

What trait do you admire most in a leader and why? If you are a leader or an aspiring leader,...
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…unite my avocation and my vocation…

Two Tramps In Mud Time by Robert Frost Out of the mud two strangers came And caught me splitting wood...
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The Rule Is Simple… You Do It Now

Grab a beverage, sit back and enjoy this video (4:22 mins) about procrastination by Zig Ziglar.  Hilarious, but it's so...
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Candid Career & Job Search Advice: Guy Kawasaki interviews Penelope Trunk

Check out this blog post by Guy Kawasaki - a friend alerted me to it yesterday.  I found some very...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Right Place At The Right Time

What does the phrase "being in the right place at the right time" mean to you? Maybe you think of...
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Some of My Favorite Quotes on Persistence…

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with...
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Personal Vision

Planning On Autopilot Increased My Productivity Exponentially

Last time, in I'm Getting What I Want... And It's Incredibly Easy, I talked about the 13x4, which is a...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

What do Free Will and Olympic Rowers have in Common?

Okay, I can’t help it! In this go-round, I am citing yet another great parable passed along to me from...
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Personal Vision

The Oak Is No Longer Sleeping In The Acorn… It Is Sprouting Big Time

When you decide to learn about releasing your judgements of others, the funny thing is that you can’t help but...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Inspired by Fall

     Fall is a time of transition. The summer months recede along with frequent salads and ice cream, and we...
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Scientific proof that you are what you think…. and that you can change both

Using the technology of brain scans in his work treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, research psychiatrist at...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Law Of Thought Into Manifesting… as a man thinketh…

You are the prophet of your future.  Every word you release into the universe has the creative energy and potential...
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Shift from Worry to Action

Recently, my spirit became restless.  I sensed that it was time to examine my future, or more specifically, examine what...
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Self Awareness

Having Some Fear Is Healthy

Having some fear is healthy.  Fear plays an important role in our psyche.  Without the fear flight survival response –...
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Illusion of Job Security

What do you do when you realize there's no such thing as job security? Take Natalie Goldberg's advice.
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Two Wolves Parable

The Cherokee parable about the two wolves teaches us that we are the ones who choose our attitudes.
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Self Awareness

The Ordered and the Unordered, Fractal Mathematics and Nonlinear Complex Systems

My sister, Gina, and I have often talked about it, and we've decided that there is no such thing as...
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Self Awareness

Influence and the Power of Cognitive Dissonance

There's a story that Benjamin Franklin told in his autobiography that demonstrates the power of cognitive dissonance.
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Self Awareness

Love and Body Image

The secret to shifting a negative body image and turning the volume down on the self-critic.
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Saluting Women over 50 – There Is No Age Limit On Accomplishment

Yesterday, I participated in the Texas Women In Business (TWIB) conference in Austin, TX.  This all-day event was focused on...
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Expressing an Attitude of Gratitude

Last night was our annual Attitude of Gratitude party for the Launch Pad Job Club – a nonprofit for which...
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212 Degrees – the extra degree

For me, this 212 degrees movie is a powerful validation of how my perseverance has led to blessings during a...
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Personal Vision

Turning On The Current Of Currency

Time to move along to one of the most amazing focus area weeks of all.  Yes, it was cool what...
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Personal Vision

The Universe Played Along And Taught Me A Valuable Lesson

We’re in the home stretch with this series.  Just a couple more focus areas to go! Last time I talked...
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Victim or Victor?

On Thursday I attended an business luncheon, but one of the concepts I came away with was not just something...
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Personal Vision

Go To The Edge Of What You Believe In And Declare Your “Manifesto”

"You have to go to the edge of what you believe in.... You’ll be surprised how many people are quietly...
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Developing Persistence (and success!)

I've been reading a book that was originally written in 1937.  I've heard about it many times over the years,...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Power of Gratitude

According to Wallace D. Wattles, gratitude is useful in helping you to get the intangible, as well as the tangible,...
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Personal Vision

A Mind Mastery Tool – Great For Helping You Get Unstuck

Whenever you have internal resistance, it helps to use this self-reflection exercise to get motivated and back on track again.
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Personal Vision

It Started With A Centenarian’s Point Of View

My 12th focus area was about thinking big, and mostly regarding my career goals.  (Read more in The Oak Is...
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GuiGui Zheng Plays Piano For Amazed Audience

According to the explanation on, GuiGui Zheng has never seen a piano until 3 years ago.  I, like the audience,...
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Part One: What’s Holding You Back?

I’ve commented extensively about fear.  I’ve examined how it holds us back from going for our dreams… and how it...
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Professional Relationships: How To Network With Ease

... In other words, how do you get out of your comfort zone without having to get too far out...
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Focus On Where You Want To Go… like a cat

While taking a break from everything I’m working on, I was looking in some old files and came across a...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Stillness Can Be Felt Even In Times Of Change

The more seasons I move through in my life, the more I recognize the role of change in my life......
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Self Awareness

How To Get A Calf Into The Barn

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous nineteenth-century poet and essayist, was out one day trying to get a calf into the...
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Personal Vision

Goals: “Prepare To Take Detours In Stride”

Do an Internet search on successfully achieving goals, and you’ll come across plenty of wise insights about dealing with obstacles...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Law of Abundance

If you have found this, it means that you've awakened from a period of sleepwalking through life and you are ready to...
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Jason Silva on Creativity

We're reporting. We are all cosmonauts, psychonauts... There's poetry in every moment. ~Jason Silva
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Think of the Wright Brothers and look for the “lift”

  My sister wrote something to me that I would like to share. In re-reading it, I realized that I...
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What My Year In Career Hell Brought Me

In early 1997, I was working for a company which had been good about training me but could not provide...
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Personal Vision

When Life Takes A Turn

When life takes a turn, some creative dreams go away, and some merely get delayed. Here's an example of one...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Psychological Time, The Reconnection Point And The Divine

Did you know that there is never a time when you are separated from the Divine essence that runs through...
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Self Awareness

4 Ways to Increase Your Confidence From The Inside Out

The reality is that we all feel doubts about ourselves from time to time, and confidence is an acquired trait...
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Self Awareness

The Power of Listening

The Power Of Listening is a module I developed as part of the Paths To Organizational Influence class that I...
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Personal Vision

What Goes Around Comes Around

I’ve been very busy... a side effect of having the center focus of my wheel as Planning.  I’ve planned so...
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Self Awareness

Your Challenge Today: recall a time when you felt unadulterated joy as a kid

I'm not usually the nostalgic type, but I was challenged last night by friends to recall a time when I felt...
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Personal Vision

Your Life Purpose: The Answers ARE In You

Though it may be difficult to see, you do know what you're meant to do with your life. The answers...
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The Worst That Can Happen

Maybe you have a dream that keeps nagging at you, but you brush it away again and again. What are...
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Personal Vision

Thinking is overrated

I was talking to my business partner recently about the perceived pressure of writing a daily blog.  He said that...
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Prosperity & Work Affirmations by Louise Hay

In her film "You Can Heal Your Life," Louise Hay shares positive affirmations and helpful scenarios that help you imagine...
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Self Awareness

The Enlightened No

Maybe you're thinking of daring greatly and want to push the limits in your life. If so, here's something to...
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Personal Vision

There Is Something In Your DNA You Should Know About

There's something in your DNA you should know about.  It's your core gift... the main tool you use to carry out your...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Gift

This is a story I heard some years ago.  I can’t verify if it’s accurately attributed to Buddha because I...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

In Your Head And Out Loud, The Words That Shape Your Destiny

Words.  They say that words are the point at which the act of creation begins.  However, they say that it...
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…during the Great Depression, people needed haircuts

Reflecting on what we can do with the sobering knowledge that, in spite of our strong desire for it, security...
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Self Awareness

What I’ve learned about worrying

Worry comes from fear and, like fear, is hard wired into human nature. In fact, there are at least 3...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Eight Eternal Truths

A friend brought these to my attention.  Each one deeply resonates for me - do they resonate for you? Eight truths which...
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Behold The Turtle

When I have told people that I am an introvert, they don’t believe me. That's because they now see my...
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Trying to find that shiny side

They say that no matter what happens, there's always a silver lining.  I certainly try my hardest to find that...
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Networking: you get out of something what you put into it

Several years ago, I came across this quote by Charles L. Allen, “You can make more friends in a month...
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Happiness Is An Inside Job

A quick rumination on the real source of real happiness. And the take Pharrell Williams has on it too.
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Life is but a dream…

Wise reflections about life and dreams and illusions.
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Your Potential And Your Power

Did you know that 81% of Americans say that they have the dream of writing a book? Having written and...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

What I do when “so much to do” becomes “too much to do”

I awoke this morning feeling overwhelmed.  So much to do!  I realize that most days I'm more of a human...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Don’t Make Assumptions: #3 of The Four Agreements

Don’t Make Assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.  Communicate with others as...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Conditions of Love

In human relationships, we all have conditions that we place on the relationships we have with others. By this, I...
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Inspiring Story – Overcoming Perceived Obstacles

On a whim, I scanned my bookshelf this weekend and pulled down this booklet by Carl Mays I received five...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Faith Is Belief, Letting Go And Choice

          Something I don’t understand           If this is part of your plan  ...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Human Journey – Rules For The Road

As we embark on the next leg of the journey... the one that begins this first day of 2009, I am...
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Personal Vision

I’m Getting What I Want… And It’s Incredibly Easy

Since the first week of 2012, I’ve been using a 13x4 system that I customized for myself, and I’ve been...
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Gratitude for Friends

Change is stressful even when you're welcoming or initiating the change. Friends make change easier.
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Personal Vision

I Want That Gold Star Please

Successful goal achieving includes self appreciation, so reward yourself along the way.
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Season of Gratitude

Other than the fact that the Thanksgiving holiday has provided me with a bit more time than usual to relax...
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Self Awareness

The Unconscious Language You Use

The main source of your unconscious language – both spoken and unspoken – which I believe holds the key to...
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The Most Adaptable Will Survive

The key to survival is not necessarily that the fittest will survive...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Be Impeccable With Your Word, #1 of The Four Agreements

Be Impeccable With Your WordSpeak with integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself...
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Self Awareness

Yes, You Are A Creative Person

A few minutes into the conversation, she declared, “I am not a creative person.” A lot of us feel this...
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Self Awareness

The Keys to Managing Conflict

I used to teach a class on conflict management at the University of Texas at Austin as part of a...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Your Life’s Purpose… make the most of yourself

You are here at this time to do something only you can do.  You are here at this time in...
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Cover Letters – the long and the short of it

Mari Anoran is a terrific person and someone I have been honored to help along her career path. She gave...
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Self Awareness

How Losing A Job Can Be A Good Thing

When I was terminated from my job in 1998, I didn't know then what I know now. For 11 months I’d been...
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Attitude – YOU Can Always Change It

  Choose Your Attitude “We who lived in the concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts...
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Personal Growth: Give Your Mind Jobs To Do

There is a duality in this realm where we live. There's a beginning and an ending. There's light and dark,...
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Making A Bucket List Stretches Your Imagination

There are many different ways to achieve big-picture, long-term goals, as well as smaller, short-term goals, but one of my...
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Surrender the Invisible Negative Cloak

A woman I’ll call Susan met with me about her job search a few years ago. She’d been downsized when...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

The Starting Place For Remembering Your Purpose In Life

Posted: Nov 17, 2011 Feeling a bit lost about what to do with your life? Maybe you’re compelled to find...
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Thanks To The Troops on Independence Day

Thanks to the troops on Independence Day! This story on ABC News really got me...
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Self Awareness

Optimism Equals Self-Empowerment… and a Higher IQ?

Recently, I’ve struggled to find the time and energy to write something inspiring.  There’s been laundry, late evenings at the...
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Self Awareness

Louis C.K.: “We don’t want to be alone for a second.”

Louis C.K. doesn't want to get a cell phone for his kids. Not only does he think cell phones are...
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Self Awareness

The Power of Choice

Looking for silver linings and being optimistic is a choice. Giving in to the inner victim in your head is...
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Success comes from doing what you love

“If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing....
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Part Two: What’s Holding You Back?

In this four-part series we’re looking at other factors besides fear that cause us to get off track or that...
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Letting Go

Last night Tom Cassidy and I tried to record some upcoming lessons for the course on Udemy that we've been...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

It Is About The Journey AND The Destination

Once you’ve committed to the journey and the destination, there’s no turning back. Let’s be honest. There comes a time...
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Giving yourself a reality check… is your job really too stinky?

I really love this post, Adjusting Your Attitude, by my acquaintance and fellow Launch Pad Job Club member, Jim Adcock.  In it he talks...
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Self Awareness

Positivity Ratio

“How much positive emotion do we need to flourish?” is a question posed by Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Kenan Distinguished Professor...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Making Space for Abundance

Saturday, February 16, 2008: I smell of smoke and I will relish it... for today I took the venom of...
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Personal Vision

Choosing Healing And Peace Of Mind

In addition to affecting my productivity, my personal 13x4 system is also helping me with physical healing and peace of...
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Positive Power Thinking is NOT the same as Pollyanna Thinking

While sifting through an old book by Robert Schuller called Power Thoughts, I wondered if I might find some additional inspiration.  The...
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What gets your mind into a can-do place?

I write about inspiration and attitude.  I try to live what I write about, but sometimes I'm challenged to keep...
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Responding to the call

Attitude.  Overcoming obstacles.  Responding to the call - whatever that may be for you.  That's what I'm talking about!  Check out this...
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Self Awareness


When I made my regular weekly trip to the grocery store last Saturday, I decided to pick up a replacement...
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Throw every shred of negative thought into the consuming fires…

Though dramatic in its wording, this comment by Dale Carnegie rings through my mind today:  "Throw every shred of negative thought into...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Embracing the Energy of 2012

A good friend emailed some thoughts to me this morning about how she is embracing the energy of 2012... they're lovely thoughts worth paying...
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World Changers class of 2007 – “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”

Carol wants to teach the deaf to become world-class communicators. Linda wants to inspire people to overcome adversity. Dan wants...
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Self Awareness

The Power of Demeanor

We may not be able to control the circumstances that occur in life, but we can definitely control our response...
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Self Awareness

Wrestling a Dragon

Sometimes "bad" things happen to good people because we need a shakeup to get us to wake up and take...
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Self Awareness

The Science of Changing Your Mind

When you see what has to happen in your brain for you to make a lasting change, you'll see why...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

On the subject of abundance…

I recently found some old notes from an ezine by James Ray’s dated 2/14/08:  “Your desire is your higher self...
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Personal Vision

Touched By An Angel

Let me tell you... it’s been a blast writing this article series.  In case you haven’t been following along, what...
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The Attitude Shift Pattern

My philosophy is that when bad things happen, there must be something in it to learn from or apply to...
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Self Awareness

Shawn Achor Speaks About “The Happiness Advantage”

Did you know that your brain is 31% more effective when positive rather than negative, neutral or stressed? And that...
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Spirituality and Philosophy

Dear Great Pumpkin

Linus: (writing) Dear Great Pumpkin, I am looking forward to your arrival on Halloween night. I hope you will bring...
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You Are Not Your Job

Challenging the notion that your job should fulfill you and that if you don't have a dream job, you can't...
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